
Isn't It Time to Clean House...and Senate?

We live in the greatest country in the world. Someone say amen before you are hunted down and dragged through the proverbial mud. Not really, it just seems that way.

Before someone calls me a pinko, fascist, radical, left-wing liberal draft dodger let me say this. I did my two years from 1969-1971 as a proud Marine. I am still a proud Marine.

I was just thinking how low Congress has plummeted in just the last few years. Politics, in general must leave a stale taste in your mouth or you have become one of them. Democrats dislike Republicans and Republicans dislike anyone who is not a Republican. Again, it just seems that way. Liberals dislike Conservatives and Conservatives dislike everyone who is not one of theirs.

The politicians are more satisfied to proceed as a houseful of haters instead of doing what their constituents voted them in office to do. If there were ever a time to strongly consider term limits, that would be now. Six or eight years should be all anyone could stand of being represented by senators and representatives who have ‘come up’. Yeah, they came up alright, at the expense of a country that was just teetering on the brink of self-destruction a few short weeks ago.

While Americans are out working and slaving to earn a living, our Congressmen are busy playing games and not minding the store. With the clock winding down on whether the United States Government would shut down or not, most of the Republicans, all of the Tea Party crew, were busy trying to destroy Obamacare after it was legislated months earlier.

One senator in particular, Ted Cruz of Texas (a Tea Party Republican) decided to stage a childish game that would last for 21 hours. Cruz, acting inside the rules of the congress, decided to filibuster. How the other members of congress were able to sit and withstand the ridiculous, childish, mind-numbing oratory is beyond my comprehension.

He didn’t spend the time talking about things constructive or educational. He read books, specifically “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss.

So, we as taxpayers, paid this man who makes $174K annually, three to four times the average salary of an American, to be Miss Molly of the old Romper Room television show. Had he fretted and fumed, cussed and kicked, it may have not left such a telling impression.

Should we not as a country, take back our voice from playground bullies and white-collar perfunctory reprobates? I believe we should see term limits imposed on all elected officials. You can only be president for eight years, why should you be able to live and die in the senate? The same holds true for the Supreme Court Justices. Ten or 15 years would clearly be plenty.

Filibustering should come to a timely demise. It has been terminally ill for so long that it is rarely news anymore when it happens.

While the government was in ‘shutdown’ mode, the little guy had to stay home without money, while Congress, who closed the doors were allowed to go on earning their $174K - $193.4K salary.
Seriously, when does enough become enough?

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